Wednesday 17 March 2010

The presence of Jewish history

Yesterday late in the afternoon I went out for some fresh air. Not willing to spoil the whole day behind my screen... the atmosphere is still amazing with the snow in the city of Lodz.

I didn't not have a plan... as usual, just trusting on a kind of inner compass... And I was lucky!

First I bumped on a film set on the street where they where filming.... yes, ghetto history, people dressed up as in the forties, I saw stars of David on sleeves, Nazi uniforms, an old flee-market, all the stereotypes... The action was around a ghetto fence... which seems to me not very real also...

I didn't like it very much. Don't know why... But nevertheless the story have to be told over and over again. I am only afraid that it doesn't help very much. Friend of mine wrote: Read WG Sebald about Grunewald, the painter, and the city of Frankfurt around 1500...
If history learns something it is unfortunately that things are not changing.

This is one of the gards of the filmset. His little dog has something firmly tied around his mouth. I had the extremely unpleasant thought that this tiny little dog probably could be an anti Semitic one who starts barking if they shout: "Action!"
Black humour is a good weapon.

I went further on strolling around in wintry Lodz. Entering everywhere you are not supposed to enter...   Sneaking around. And - big surprise! - hidden in the second courtyard of an old and for a very long time neglected kamienica... the synagogue... Small. Beautiful. It just catched the last sunlight... I knew immediate what it was: Synagogue Reicherów, the only synagogue which survived the war because it was quite hidden and used as a store house for salt that days...

I went around, taking pictures, trying to capture my enchantment...  

And I wanna share it with you... so I give them all. 

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